Monday, September 10, 2007

He's My Daughter.

I was going to write about this:

But then a thought came to me.

This is probably one of the only few articles that talk to us. Other than that, most articles talk about us, without us.

Most articles by the uninitiated and unleant talk like they are experts in who we are without even being trained in the issue of transgenders. They mostly do not even know any of us, It is in fact, tiring and frustrating to have these people not even having dialogues with us, or at least even diligently study about these issues. They just make up their own conclusions with their own minds and call it 'science' based on their own shallow logic.

In Malaysia, there are talk about rehabilitation centres for transgenders, even male hormone therapy for us, which is utterly ridiculous. Perhaps what the article says is true, Malaysia is the worst country for transgenders to live. At least elsewhere in Asia, our talents, education and experience, will be accounted for.

It is my hope, that acceptance for people like us, would happen before I pass on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is a pity, that now I can not express - there is no free time. I will be released - I will necessarily express the opinion.