Saturday, September 1, 2007

They love gays, they love gays not.

If I was not blinking, my eyes would have popped out of my sockets.

I always check interesting news in the States especially in regards to LGT issues, so when no one reports this BUT sites like Americans For Truth (Porno Pete's site) and PFOX, something is amiss.

In fact, the news even reached Real Love Ministry in Malaysia, as Edmund Smith also joins in the bias posting fun.

"Leaving homosexuality is like leaving a cult – many gay activists feel betrayed
by ex-gays and hate anyone who supports self-determination when it comes to the
ex-gay community. Although God gave us free will to choose our own lives,
whether good or bad choices, gay activists would take free will away from us and
force ex-gays back into the closet.

Gay activists fear factual
information that PFOX makes available to teens. Gay activists have had a
monopoly over our youth for so long that they resent any competing information
and label anything contrary to their pro-gay ideology as “dangerous” to youth.

Gay activists do not support hate crimes or sexual orientation
anti-discrimination laws if those laws include ex-gays. “Hate crimes” is another
word for hate against ex-gays while protecting gays. Therefore, we must work to
ensure that all sexual orientation laws at any level specifically include former
homosexuals or be eliminated altogether as discriminatory."

Yuki's thoughts: I am still investigating what happened, but it seems amazing to me that a small portion of gays who went up against them, was presented as the entire gay community being violent...

The evil of few is represented as the evil of many. So by these groups PFOX, AFT and RLM's selective reporting, can we say that ALL ex-gay or anti-homosexual sites are bias? (Erm, actually most of them ARE media bias....)

Yuki's choice reading:,

Update 1/9/07:

It seems the authoraties reported that so far nothing that PFOX reported, happened in the Arlington County Fair.

Real Love Ministry, not only did they claim to 'love' gays but publish such intolerant, discriminative and higly disputable report in their director's blog, they are now in position to be accused of advertising and promoting PFOX's deception. How would Real Love Ministry react to such an issue remains to be seen. Or would they continue with this blatant manipulation, and unresearched article vendoring here in Malaysia. Only time will tell.

Update 7/9/07

After a thorough investigation by David Roberts of Exgaywathc into the matter, it is proven, it did not happen.

For the part of Real Love Ministry of Malaysia, to lie by using minority sciences and personal fabricated facts as their 'truth' in regards to homosexuality is disappointing. Then lying by saying they are not anti-gay, but then went on to post such discriminitive, misleading and utterly anti-gay article, it is appalling. But the act of spreading another party's lies and rumour mongering is not only highly unethical and definitely not Christian, it is disgusting.

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