My ratings are:

Surprisingly, youths below 17 are not allowed on my blog unless they bring along their parents!
I share the pleasure of having this R rating with Ms. Marti Abernathey's blogsite (
and also (dreads) Scott Thong (
Unfortunately, no admitance is allowed youths below 17 at all for Ms. Autumn Sandeen. ( Seems her blogsite is rated:

--------------------- is rated:

Those blogsites with this rating...

Includes... Edmund Smith's Xgaysite ( and Xgaywatch (
Gosh... Edmund Smith is so innocent compared to me....
Yeah, everything I post on seems to be "adult" enough to cause all of the various site rating websites to classify my blog in the most adult of categories.
I wrote about another site rating service finding my blog adult material in my blog a few months back.
Hi, sis! So nice of you to drop by, I have not checked up the site rating sevice you mentioned yet. I wonder how would my blog do? Hmmm.
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